Expansion & Support

Export Assistance

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership offers an International Trade Division to assist Virginia companies expand internationally. Services include export counseling, research, and overseas trade show planning. VEDP has international offices in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Germany, Mexico, and Brazil. Once a year, the managers of each of the overseas offices return to Virginia and tour the state in a “Walk About” visit to meet with interested companies one-on-one.

Virginia Leaders in Export Trade

VEDP offers a unique program called Virginia Leaders in Export Trade (VALET). VALET is a two-year international business acceleration program. This award-winning program offers a powerful combination of capital resources provided by the Commonwealth and professional services from expert, private sector partners.

If VEDP’s International Trade Division can be of assistance, contact Diane Thomas, VEDP’s International Trade Representative for Southwest Virginia, at (276) 623-1536.

International Market Research

Save time and resources with VEDP’s international research team.

Trade Missions and Shows

Join VEDP on staff coordinated international trade missions and shows.

Programs and Grants

Grow international sales through business acceleration programs.

Certificates of Free Sale

Trade Partners

Explore companies who have committed services and expertise to assist VEDP International Trade clients.

Additional Resources

Learn more about international events, read articles and guides, and hear from Virginia businesses.

Subscribe To Our Newsletter

We send an occasional newsletter with information about the growing economy and opportunities for continued growth in Wythe County, Wytheville, and Rural Retreat, Virginia.