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Incentives & Taxes

The costs of doing business in Wythe County are quite competitive. Low tax rates coupled with a pro-business environment work to make your operation here run less expensively as it might elsewhere.

Incentives by Area

A summary of local enterprise zone incentives by area.

Progress Park

A new operation creating at least 25 jobs, paying at least double the federal minimum wage, and investing more than $5 million is eligible for:

  • Discounted land purchase price
  • Reduced water and wastewater rates
  • Waived or rebated utility connection fees
  • Fast-track permitting with waived or rebated building permit fees

A new operation creating at least 25 jobs, paying twice the prevailing average wage for Wythe County, and investing more than $100 million in taxable personal property is eligible for an annual grant based on those personal property tax receipts.

Learn More About Progress Park

I-81 Eastern Corridor

New or expanded dining or lodging operations investing at least $500,000 and creating 15-plus jobs are eligible for an annual grant funded by Wythe County based on gross receipts.

Downtown Wytheville

New construction of a commercial or industrial building or rehabilitation/expansion of same allows for

  • Rebate or waiver of water and/or wastewater connection fees
  • Rebate or waiver of building permit fees

New dining or lodging operations (excluding transfer of ownership and/or existing operations) are eligible for an annual grant funded by the Town of Wytheville based on their gross receipts.

Rural Retreat Exit 60 Area

New construction or rehabilitation/expansion of an existing operation creates eligibility for a rebate or waiver of water and waste water connection fees.

New dining or lodging operations (excluding transfer of ownership and/or existing operations) are eligible for an annual grant funded by the Town of Rural Retreat based on gross receipts.

New operations within the Rural Retreat section are also eligible for an annual grant based on Business Professional Occupation License (BPOL) receipts. Ownership transfers are excluded.

Additionally, all Enterprise Zone businesses receive expedited consideration for JIDA Revolving Loan Funds if a proper application is made.

Taxes and Fees

Property Tax Rate

Location Nominal Effective
Wythe County $0.51 $0.51
Town of Wytheville $0.20
Town of Rural Retreat $0.189 N/A

Machinery and Tools Tax

Location Nominal Effective (years 1-5)* Effective (years 6+)*
Wythe County $1.50 $0.75 $0.30
Town of Wytheville $0.33 $0.14 $0.056
Town of Rural Retreat $0.15 $0.075 $0.03

*Nominal rate is applied at 50% of cost for 5 years and at 20% thereafter.

Merchant’s Capital Tax

Location Effective Nominal
Wythe County $0.56/$100 of original cost $0.56 of original cost

*Nominal rate is applied at 50% of cost for 5 years and at 20% thereafter.

Personal Property Tax – Automobiles and Trucks

Location Nominal ($/$100 of assessed valuation)* Effective ($/$100 of assessed valuation)*
Wythe County $2.27 $1.75
Town of Wytheville $0.38 N/A
Town of Rural Retreat $0.50 $0.39

*Assessed value based on NADA average loan value

Utility Tax – Electric

Location First 14,285 kWh
Wythe County $0.0150/kWh for first 14,285 kWh (up to $200) plus $0.0003/kWh thereafter
Town of Wytheville $0.0112/kWh (Max of $11.25/month)
Town of Rural Retreat $0.0150/kWh (Max of $3.00/month)

Utility Tax – Natural Gas

Location Cost
Wythe County 20% on first $1,000 and 1% of excess
Town of Wytheville $1.875 + $0.126/ccf per month (capped at $11.25/month)
Town of Rural Retreat $1.13 + $0.166/ccf (capped at $3/month)

Meals Tax

Location Cost
Wythe County 6%
Town of Wytheville 8%
Town of Rural Retreat 5%

Lodging Tax

Location Cost
Wythe County 5%
Town of Wytheville 8%
Town of Rural Retreat N/A

Building Permit Fee

Wythe County/Rural Retreat

Square Footage Price Per Square Foot
First 20,000 $0.16
21,000-40,000 $0.08
41,000-60,000 $0.04
61,000-80,000 $0.02
81,000-160,000 $0.01
Above 160,000 Contact Joint IDA

Town of Wytheville

Valuation Fee
$0.00 to $100,000.00 $4.00 per $1,000.00
All over $100,000.00 $3.00 per $1,000.00

Soil Erosion Permit Fee

Location Fee
Wythe County $100 plus $50 per week of project duration until stabilization
Town of Wytheville $25.00/first acre, $10.00 acre or fraction thereof ($100.00 maximum)

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