Expansion & Support

One of the most valuable incentives offered to companies, both new and expanding, is the Workforce Services Program provided by the Virginia Department of Business Assistance. DBA offers three workforce training programs:
The Virginia Jobs Investment Programs partially reimburses qualified companies for costs associated with recruiting, hiring, and training employees. Additionally, DBA also uses its in-house production company to produce, at no cost the company, training videos. Each video is customized, with the company writing the script and controlling the content. In addition to cost reimbursement, DBA staff can assist with identifying hiring needs, mapping a recruitment strategy, and analyzing training programs. DBA provides free classes such as “Train the Trainer” to qualified companies. There are two ways that a company can qualify for new jobs assistance:
New Jobs Program: Requires a minimum 25 new jobs within 12 months of first hire, $1 million of new capital investment, and the project must put Virginia in competition with at least one other state or country. Only full-time jobs paying at least$10.00/hour qualify. Funding shall not be awarded for positions laid-off in the 12 months prior to applying. Retail-based companies are ineligible for assistance.
Small Business New Jobs Program: Requires a minimum 5 new jobs within 24 months of first hire and $100,000 of new capital investment. Limited to companies that employ no more than 250 people company-wide. Only full-time jobs paying at least $10.00/hour qualify. Funding shall not be awarded for positions laid-off in the 12 months prior to applying. Retail-based companies are ineligible for assistance.
DBA also offers a Retraining Program to qualified companies to assist with keeping the workforce competitive in a global environment. The Retraining Program partially offsets costs associated with training employees on new technologies. Eligibility for assistance in the Retraining Program is limited to for-profit companies in the following business sectors: Manufacturing Operations and Distribution Centers. The program requires at least 10 jobs needing retraining and $500,000 of new capital investment. Only full-time jobs paying at least $10.00/hour qualify.
“We’re excited to expand our operations in Wytheville. We’ve been extremely pleased with the dedicated employees at our existing operation here, and that was a big factor in our decision. We also appreciate the support of the Commonwealth, Wythe County and the Town of Wytheville, the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, and Virginia’s Corridor in making this project a reality.”
Robert DiMarino, Vice President Operations, Coperion Corporation
Wytheville Community College
Wytheville Community College is a comprehensive two year university that is one of 23 colleges in the Virginia Community College System. WCC enrolls over 4,500 students annually in credit courses and offers a variety of workforce improvement opportunities. WCC offers a variety of programs and the Department of Continuing Education works with companies to develop and implement customized training programs. Services offered by WCC include Work Keys Assessment and on-site training.
The Manufacturing Technology Center
The Manufacturing Technology Center (MTC) is a federal and state supported not-for-profit Engineering outreach and consulting service established in 1995. It is part of a nationwide network of NIST-MEP (National Institute of Standards and Technology-Manufacturing Extension Partnership) offices. The MTC serves the 17 counties of Southwest Virginia including Wythe County and the Town of Wytheville. The MTC’s mission is to enhance the competitiveness of the businesses in our region by providing training, demonstrations, and implementations using the most advanced methodologies available including: Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, ISO, SPC, and other related continuous improvement tools and techniques.
The MTC also offers a wide range of on-site environmental compliance services delivered by a licensed professional Engineer. MTC Engineers average over 20 years of industry experience, come from a wide range of disciplines, and hold numerous certifications such as Six Sigma Black Belt and NIST licensure as Lean Manufacturing trainers and implementers.
For more information contact the MTC at (276) 223-4709 or visit our website at www.mtcofswva.org.
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