News & Reports

Clarke Precision Machine to Expand in Wythe County

March 20, 2019

Clarke Precision Machine to invest $750,000, create 12 new jobs

RICHMONDGovernor Ralph Northam today announced that Clarke Precision Machine, Inc., a full-service manufacturer of precision metal and non-metal tooling, will invest $750,000 to purchase new machinery and expand its manufacturing facility in Wythe County. The project will create 12 new jobs and position the company to handle future potential contracts in automotive, construction materials, industrial mixing, and other industries.

“Clarke Precision Machine is a valued contributor to our resurging manufacturing industry and continues to build on a long legacy of success in Wythe County,” said Governor Northam. “Supporting the expansion of Virginia’s existing businesses and helping them meet critical workforce needs is key to building strong regional economies, and that’s why we will continue to assist growing companies in developing world-class talent. We thank Clarke Precision Machine for reinvesting in its operation, and look forward to the company’s continued growth in our Commonwealth.”

The company was founded in 1964 in Wytheville, Virginia as Williams Manufacturing. Clarke Precision Machine acquired the company in 2015 and continued to operate as an engineered solution provider to consumers requiring custom machined products. Clarke Precision Machine is a build-to-order welding, machining, and fabrication shop supporting companies throughout Southwest Virginia and the surrounding regions. With more than 50 years of experience and expertise, Clarke Precision Machine is the preferred supplier of tooling to many of the industry’s largest Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).

“Virginia offers the infrastructure, workforce, and business climate for manufacturers like Clarke Precision Machine to succeed, and it is a priority to grow this key industry in the Commonwealth to provide quality, well-paid jobs,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Brian Ball. “We congratulate Clarke Precision Machine on its expansion, and will continue to support the company as an important employer in Wythe County.”

“Clarke Precision Machine is happy to continue to invest in our hometown of Wytheville,” said Matthew Clarke, President of Clarke Precision Machine. “Wythe County is one of the best places to operate a business, in my experience. Our manufacturing community is collaborative, the employees are loyal, and there’s a genuine spirit of support. There’s been a great rebound in manufacturing after several years of stagnation, and our business has been on a significant growth curve since 2015. We aim to meet the needs of our customers while exceeding expectations for quality and customer service. Our experience in working with economic development authorities, including VEDP and the Joint IDA of Wythe County, has been quite positive. We appreciate the pro-business environment fostered by the Wythe County Board of Supervisors and the Wytheville Town Council, as well.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) worked with the Joint Industrial Development Authority of Wythe County on this project, and VEDP will support Clarke Precision Machine’s expansion through its Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP). VJIP provides consultative services and funding to companies creating new jobs or experiencing technological change to support employee training activities. As a business incentive supporting economic development, VJIP reduces the human resource costs of new and expanding companies. VJIP is state-funded, demonstrating Virginia’s commitment to enhancing job opportunities for its citizens.

Clarke Precision Machine is one of 12 companies that participated in the Virginia Economic Gardening Pilot Program (VEGPP), announced in September 2017. The VEGPP, administered by VEDP, targets second-stage companies which are growth-oriented and have moved beyond the startup phase by demonstrating a notable increase in revenue or employment. By addressing strategic growth issues, such as identifying new markets and industry trends, refining business models, raising online visibility, and offering access to competitive intelligence, the VEGPP enables high-growth companies to achieve the next level of success.

“The Wythe County Board of Supervisors applauds Clarke Precision Machine on its impressive growth,” said Timothy A. Reeves, Chairman of the Wythe County Board of Supervisors. “Through its talented workforce and management, the company provides world-class service to customers all over the country.”

“Clarke Precision Machine is a family-owned business that continues to invest in its employees and in our community,” said Mayor of Wytheville Beth Taylor. “We appreciate the company’s commitment to Wytheville and applaud their success.”

“I am very excited about Clarke Precision Machine’s investment and the expansion of economic opportunity that it will bring to our local community,” said Senator Charles Carrico, Sr. “Exciting things are happening in Wythe County, and I look forward to working with all parties to make sure we foster and encourage growth in our region.”

“I am excited by Clarke Precision Machine’s continued growth and commitment to Wythe County,” said Delegate Jeffrey Campbell. “CPM has been an important member of our community for more than 50 years, and this expansion is a testament to its quality of work, management, and employees. CPM is a superior company with a world-wide customer base. Its desire to stay in this community and expand their operations is a tremendous boon to the County and indicative of the skilled workers in the region. I applaud CPM for its commitment to Wythe County and wish the company continued success.”

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